ChooseWhy Choose This Program?

Why Study Biochemistry & 云顶集团分子生物学?

完成本课程的学生将了解科学的重要性 研究自然现象的方法. 他们会提出假设,设计实验, 批判性地评估数据,并口头和书面交流科学数据和思想 writing.

Students gain a global perspective by participating in semester- and year-long study 或者参加为期三周的强化课程,比如热带海洋生物学 在洪都拉斯罗阿坦研究所工作.

LearnWhat Will You Learn?

What Will You Learn?

生物化学和分子生物学为生物学、化学、 mathematics and physics; a core sequence in the basic principles of biochemistry; 以及探索生物化学和分子化学云顶集团的高级课程 生物学对生命系统的理解. 加上额外的化学课程, 学生可以获得美国化学会认证的学位.

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DoWhat Will You Do?

What Will You Do?

本专业和辅修课程为学生攻读生物化学高级学位, 分子生物学、化学生物学和生物医学工程. The program also provides a strong foundation for the study of medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, 药学、公共卫生、科学政策、法律和知识产权、商业、 教育和科学写作. 

学生们可以继续攻读顶尖的研究生课程,或者在诸如 自然科学院,人类病毒学研究所,约翰霍普金斯大学 公共卫生学院和圣克鲁斯生物技术学院.


Major & Minor Program Contact

Mark Hiller,联合主席,生物学副教授:遗传学和分子生物学

George Greco,联合主席,化学教授:有机,无机和药物化学

Full-Time & Half-Time Faculty

Ruquia Ahmed-Schofield

Jay Garaycochea

George Greco

Mark Hiller

Jenny Lenkowski

Judith Levine

Kevin Schultz

Verónica A. Segarra
生物科学与化学副教授、特聘讲席; Faculty in Residence


Janet Shambaugh

Robert Slocum

Leleng To Isaacs

Instructional Staff


Gizelle Simpson,实验室协调员

Study Abroad

By choosing three-week intensive courses led by Goucher faculty or semester programs 与他们的学术计划相适应,生物化学和分子生物学的学生获得了一个 全球视野,提高他们的学习过程. 云顶集团生物化学和分子 biology majors also frequently participate in semester and yearlong programs at these universities:

Please Note: Programs at these universities may not be eligible for credit without prior approval. Please contact the Office of Global Education 了解更多有关获批准的海外留学项目.


Tropical Marine Biology

The coral reef of the Caribbean continental shelf is the largest in the Western Hemisphere, and the area off the northwest coast of Roatan, Honduras, features more than 30 miles of fringing and barrier reefs, seagrass beds, mangroves, and an extraordinary variety of marine life.

在罗阿坦海洋研究所这个为期三周的课程中,学生将会 explore the endangered coral reefs of Honduras through dives, field experiments, and 讲座着重分析珊瑚礁的结构和功能. The course 还包括游览洪都拉斯大陆的低地雨林.

更多信息,请云顶集团 Office of Global Education.


"Global-Local Challenges to Sustainability: The Costa Rican Experience" is a 15-week program open to all majors. 霍利奥克山学院和 Goucher, the program takes place at the Monteverde Institute and focuses on the meanings and implications of "sustainability," blending international study and applied research. Nestled in the Tilaran mountain range of Costa Rica, Monteverde is located approximately 位于哥斯达黎加首都圣何塞西北80公里处. 蒙特维德的美丽和独特 生物多样性使它成为生态旅游者和研究生物学家的目的地.

The program consists of four 4-credit courses, including three core courses: Spanish Language and Culture, Environmental Sustainability, and Development and Social Change in Costa Rica. 对于云顶集团研究的第四门课程,学生可以选择 热带生态学的野外方法与社会科学主题. This unique Goucher 课程可以满足毕业前的四项通识教育要求. 强烈建议至少提前一个学期学习西班牙语 participants.

哥斯达黎加体验项目包括对圣何塞的体验式实地考察, 阿雷纳尔火山地区和尼加拉瓜. 而在蒙特韦德,学生住在 host families. 除非另有安排,所有餐食均由寄宿家庭提供 are made.

Opportunities & Internships


The Goucher 暑期科学研究计划 offers undergraduate students the opportunity 在研究项目上与教师密切合作. The program is designed 对于已经修过相关课程的学生,这些课程与教师的研究有关 who want to learn more about the graduate or professional school experience and pursue 从事科学研究的人.

Funding from government and private research foundations, as well as generous donations 从云顶集团校友/i,允许学生参与这项研究. Summer research 在云顶集团大学,通常需要10周的全职研究,并包括津贴 for living expenses. 校内住房由学院提供大量补贴.

The program fosters:

  • hands-on experience in applying concepts learned in the classroom to a research project
  • research skills and writing
  • 提高申请研究生院或专业学院的成功率的策略 positions in industry
  • 与其他学生和教师进行非正式讨论的机会
  • 学术和专业的就业机会
  • social activities

研究经验通常由两个学生和教师的研究补充 talks. 第一次是在6月中旬,用于非正式地介绍学生的研究 给同学和老师的项目. 学生做第二次口头报告 在7月底或8月初的项目结束时讨论他们的研究. In the 秋季,学生们还举行了海报会议,突出他们在夏季的研究 云顶集团校友研究研讨会/周末和探索云顶集团日.

有关具体研究机会和项目要求的更多详细信息, 通过阅读个别教员的研究兴趣来参考他们 通过系里的网站和/或直接联系教授. The Hoffberger Conversations series is also a good venue for learning about faculty-student research that is going on at Goucher.


Special Prizes and Awards

Jessie L. King Prize
The Jessie L. 金奖是颁发给在任何一项工作中表现突出的高年级学生的 第三部(自然科学与数学)所包括的科学领域 special consideration given to the study 哺乳动物生理学和/或微生物学.

Gairdner B. Moment Award
The Gairdner B. “时刻奖”颁发给表现优异的学长 achievement in the biological sciences, especially in the field of animal development.

Leah Seidman Schaffer Prize
The Leah Seidman Schaffer Prize is awarded to a senior who has conducted outstanding 微生物学独立学习.

Ann Matthews Lacy Prize
The Ann Matthews Lacy Prize is given to students judged to have outstanding potential 在遗传学领域的成就,基于他们值得称道的成就 在课堂作业、实验室工作或遗传学的特殊项目中.

American Chemical Society Maryland Section Student Award for Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry

The American Chemical 学会高分子化学奖
美国化学学会高分子化学奖颁发给杰出人士 有机化学前两个学期的学生. [is this a Goucher award?]

The Chemical Handbook Award
The Chemical Handbook Award is given to the outstanding student in freshman chemistry.

The David E. 霍恩有机化学奖
The David E. 霍恩有机化学奖每年颁发给一名学生 被化学系全体教员评为有机方面最杰出的成就 chemistry. 获奖者在所有三个有机球场的综合成绩最好 at Goucher. 学生还必须完成两个学期(至少6学分)。 云顶集团实验室在纯有机化学领域的研究. In 如果没有符合标准的学生,奖品将不予颁发.

伊迪丝·福特·索勒斯纪念奖 is given to a senior majoring in chemistry who exhibits a high degree of distinction in scientific study and qualities of character 在校园活动中发挥领导作用.

1948年的希尔达·加布里洛夫博士. Janice Gabrilove Dirzulaitis化学奖
1948年的希尔达·加布里洛夫博士. Janice Gabrilove Dirzulaitis化学奖颁发 表彰在化学方面表现优异的学生.

The Jessie L. King Prize
The Jessie L. 金奖是颁发给在任何一项工作中表现突出的高年级学生的 science field included in Division III, with special consideration given to the study 哺乳动物生理学和/或微生物学.

The Louise Kelley Award
The Louise Kelley Award is made annually to a senior departmental major who has accomplished 在化学方面的杰出工作. 有计划的化学专业优先考虑 进入教学领域.

米莉·比拉斯基化学奖 is presented to an outstanding junior chemistry major.

本科分析化学奖 is given annually to the student who 最有潜力从事分析化学的.


Selections for the following fellowships are made by the College Lectures and Fellowships Committee. 申请信息可以从负责本科的副院长处获得 Studies’ office.

Stimson-Duvall Fellowship
The Stimson-Duvall Fellowship is awarded to students demonstrating professional promise and outstanding qualifications for graduate studies in the natural, physical, biological 还有医学或科学史.

Dean Van Meter校友奖学金
The Dean Van Meter校友奖学金 are awarded for graduate or professional studies 在美国或国外.

Flora E. Langdon Fellowship
The Flora E. 兰登奖学金是颁发给有特殊能力,追求 在一所以设施闻名的美国大学攻读植物学研究生 用于植物科学的研究生工作.

Biology and Chemistry Club

Goucher's Biology and Chemistry Club 对所有科学专业的学生和对科学感兴趣的人开放吗. The club’s goal is to foster a community feeling with the science departments through a variety of coordinated events.


实习帮助学生探索可能性,云顶集团课堂学习,并有所收获 experience. Explore 实习和学分选择.

Student Employment

Student employment 为学生提供校内和校外的机会. The Career Education Office provides resources and support to students with or without Federal Work Study to find 工作,提交申请,并了解更多关于求职过程. Students have access to Handshake -一个招聘、活动、简历/求职信和职业管理的网站.

Major & Career Exploration

Exploring career options, choosing a major, and making career decisions is a multi-step 鼓励所有学生尽早和经常参与的过程. Goucher students 有各种各样的资源可以通过 Majors and Career page 在这个过程中帮助他们.

Job Search

云顶集团教育为学生准备今天的就业市场和未来. Students 能透过网站寻找工作机会及查阅求职资源吗 CEO Job Search page.

Graduate & Professional School

学生可以云顶集团资源来搜索和申请研究生和专业 school through the 首席执行官研究生和专业学校页面,通过教职员工,或利用自己的资源,网络和 tools.


Goucher College and Johns Hopkins Carey Business School are offering Goucher students 学士学位和硕士学位相结合的课程. This 4+1 program 他拥有云顶集团大学的学士学位和约翰大学的理学硕士学位 霍普金斯大学的商业分析和风险管理,信息系统,医疗保健 管理、财务或市场营销. 学生可以在大三的时候申请. GRE 或GMAT考试已被豁免,但申请人必须达到最低累积GPA 3.25分或以上,通过部分定量推理课程,成绩为 B or better.

Accredited by ASBMB

Alumni SpotlightChevron iconEdna Ferreira ’18

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Edna Ferreira ’18

“Goucher is a great place to learn about biology, chemistry, and math because you get 与教授和同学建立亲密的个人关系.”

Read My Story